Nothing makes an invested physical therapist happier than to hear of patients improving their function. It is one thing to see progress in measurable outcomes, and quite another when a patient walks into their follow up appointment and gleefully proclaims, “Guess what I can do now!”
I am particularly whole when I have put my time into exercising, as well as into learning new clinical skills to improve patient care. This is another exciting element of being a physical therapist – one has the opportunity to never stop growing and to provide credible and clinically relevant care, revolving around evidence-based medicine and years of clinical experience. Recently, I have become a provider of Graston Technique, dry needling, and have advanced my skills in taping techniques, all through continuing education.
This is what I live for as a multi-faceted specialist. I graduated from the University of Utah with my Doctorate of Physical Therapy in 2005, then went on to a 5-year residency to focus on the hand and upper extremity and passed my board exams through the Hand Therapy Certification Committee to become a Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) in 2011. In becoming a specialist, I promised I would not paint myself into a corner with all the education which I had received prior to the niche of hand and upper extremity. Therefore, I love to keep myself on my toes and treat in the areas of general orthopedics, balance and vestibular, torticollis and plagiocephaly, industrial rehabilitation as well.
Lastly, I am a firm believer in establishing a relationship with patients where they feel comfortable enough to provide all information necessary to come to a true diagnosis. Really listening to the patient is critical.
Orthopedic Specialty: Certified Hand Therapist, orthopedics
Non-traditional Specialty: Balance & vestibular rehab, torticollis